The website password for March is !@&%# …
HAHA! That’s for members only! And just how do you become a member?

March is already here, and it seems I need to clarify a few things because, to no surprise, some of you poor little subs are a bit dull. SLAVES DO NOT ANSWER MY EMAILS OR PRIVATE MESSAGES! This is probably why I take so long to reply, haha! There has been concern that My ‘media whores’ or ‘social sluts’ as I call them, schedule bookings and send replies. While some Mistresses may do that in order to utilize their time, I do not. I like to know as much as I can about those who wish to serve Me, so I answer all questions personally and privately. I do not disclose any of the emails sent to Me with anyone else, unless the sender is inquiring about one of My Femdom friends, in which case I would forward the entire email.
You’re weak little mind is now wondering what a social slut is… A ‘social slut’, is a submissive who serves Me by spreading the Gospel of Miss Vicious all over social media. Retweets, sharing on facebook, reposts on IG, posting My banners in forums, etc. What a better way to spend your free time than staring at My pictures and ads as you post them all over the net! I know you would be staring at them anyways, so why not make yourself useful?
A social slut is not the same as a promo piggy though! Promo piggies have a special place… under My boot! Haha!! This is because piggies pay for My ads, posters, prints, merch, etc. As you can imagine, a piggy gets pet, while a slut begs for My attention. However, both can be either local or online.
This seems like a prime opportunity for a contest… Any sub, slave, or sissy to spam My ads, forwards to My website, retweets, etc will be entered in this month’s contest. The winner will receive a private kik video chat with none other than ME -of course!
Are you subscribed to My twitter? (@VICIOUSfemdom) I have taken to posting some ‘free tasks’ whenever I find Myself too busy to do things such as research realty, track down a certain pair of heels, mail My packages, and other chores, which are usually local. Check it out! You might find that you are more useful to Me than you thought.

Once again I have a pair of very well worn black thigh high boots - what can I say, they are My favorite style! These have been vigorously worn for at least a year. At first they were used as a fashion statement, but have since become My go-to pair when practicing pole. My dance routines are high energy, so these boots stink to high heaven! These seven inch heels are scratched and scuffed, and have collected all the sweat from My thighs to My bare toes! I am selling these used and abused boots for $150. They do not include socks or nylons as I always wore them with bare feet. If you wish to have a pair of My smelly socks inside, include a note when you purchase them from My ‘souvenir’ shop.
March Madness I have finally converted a wonderful friend of mine into the world of Femocracy! You have have seen the new “Muscle Mistress” on backpage and other sites popping up. She is a dear friend of mine who is a professional trainer of over 15 years! She is everything a little worm like you could dream of, with powerful thighs and toned arms perfect for choking you out! HAHA!! I certainly can’t wait to see her kick your ass. I’ll soon be helping her open her own clip store, so aside from real time wrestling sessions with her, you can also co-star as the Muscle Mistress’ new guinea pig.